Local Development


With a deep commitment to sustainability and the local community, at Cap Rocat we are proud to share our commitment to the environmental regeneration and socio-economic development of our region. Through a careful selection of suppliers, the promotion of sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility programmes, we seek not only to preserve but also to strengthen our natural and social environment. Below are some of the key actions we are taking to fulfil our mission of being an agent of positive change in our environment.


We implement a local fishing programme, which highlights indigenous species caught in a sustainable manner, thus promoting the preservation of our marine resources and supporting local fishermen.


The promotion of local culture and art is an essential part of the Cap Rocat experience, enriching our guests’ stay with the authenticity and charm of our region.


We work with suppliers who are committed to sustainability, driving their transformation towards more responsible models. This allows us to promote a circular economy, reduce the use of single-use packaging and encourage sustainable practices that drive local economic growth.


We carefully select our suppliers, prioritising local purchasing and establishing partnerships with small producers and service providers to strengthen our community’s economy. We are committed to increasing our local sourcing and alliances on an annual basis.


We favour the purchase of fresh, locally grown produce, prioritising organically sourced food wherever possible.

We care for people


At Cap Rocat, we care about the quality of life of our employees and our entire community. We promote fair and safe working practices, ensuring equal conditions for men and women.


Through our corporate social responsibility initiatives, we collaborate with local organisations such as Amadip, Mater Misericordia and the Red Cross, offering training and job opportunities to people in difficult situations or with different abilities.


We are proud to offer career opportunities and job stability to all members of our team, fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment.


We raise awareness among our staff about the importance of supporting local issues and preserving our natural resources, thus promoting a shared commitment to sustainability and the well-being of our community.

Beach access from Cap Rocat.